What is escape character in Java? Mainly escape characters are the characters which replaces existing character with new & provided character which works best without throwing any error at …
Java Production Ready Utility • Tag Archive
Top Java, J2EE Production Ready Utilities which runs, satisfies your project requirements. Which should also be stable, maintainable, scalable with proper documentation. Should follow complete design patterns.
On Crunchify we do have more than 15 these kind of production ready utilities which you could use in your Production environment at no cost.
How to get MD5 checksum for any given file in Java? How to use Apache Common’s DigestUtils.md5Hex utility?
Tighten the security of your enterprise application is the biggest challenge of any organization. Consider this actual production scenario: You have an application which reads the value from a …
In Java How to Save and Load Data from a File – Simple Production Ready Utility for File I/O Read-Write Operation
How do I write an object to a file and read it back? Java is pretty amazing with lots of API and with Java 8 we are fully enabled with lots more APIs like Lambda, Method reference, Default methods, …
Java, MySQL and JDBC Hello World Tutorial – Create Connection, Insert Data and Retrieve Data from MySQL
In this current innovative technology world, there is no place you don't need Database connectivity to perform personalize connection and activity. If you are using Facebook, Twitter or any other …
How to Increase Apache Tomcat HeapSize (JVM Heap) in Eclipse IDE (integrated development environment) to Avoid OutOfMemory
It's common to get OutOfMemory while running heavy loaded application in Eclipse IDE. Recently while running Apache Tomcat under Eclipse for one of the web application I was getting Java Heap memory …
Better Logging for your Enterprise Java Application – CrunchifyBetterLog4jLogging.java
If you are developing Java Application where you need to use the logger functionality, there are number of ways you could enhance the Logger Utility. To make sure that logging can be left in a …
In Java How to Read GitHub File Contents using HttpURLConnection + ConvertStreamToString() utility
In this Java Tutorial we will go over steps to retrieve GitHub URL content using HttpURLConnection. In other words below is a Java API to get a file content from GitHub. Each HttpURLConnection …
How to Implement Insertion Sort Algorithm in Java? Detailed Example Attached
Java Insertion Sort algorithm logic is one of the many simple questions asked in Interview Questions. It sorts array a single element at a time. Very efficient for relatively small to medium set of …
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In Java How to Generate Strong Random Password – SecureRandom Complete Tutorial
By default Java doesn't have any utility which creates strong long random password. Here we have created detailed tutorial on how to generate Strong Random Password using java.security.SecureRandom …
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How to create .zip or .tar Programmatically in Java using Apache Commons Archivers and Compressors
Apache foundation by default comes with lots and lots of utilities for us to use. In most of the cases we are kind of unaware of the utility which exists for use to use in our production …
How to Read and Parse CSV (Comma Separated Values) File to ArrayList in Java using Split Operation?
How to read and parse CSV file in Java? Do we have any built in Java utility which converts CSV (Comma Separated Values) String to ArrayList object? The answer is NO. But it's not a big problem. With …
How To Implement a LinkedList Class From Scratch In Java
If you're actually building a real production system, then yes, you'd typically just use the stuff in the standard library if what you need is available there. That said, don't think of this as a …
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