THE Simplest way to bring Facebook LikeBox + Facebook Recommendation Bar functionality to WordPress plus lot more Options.
Facebook Members (WordPress Plugin)
Facebook Members is a WordPres Social Plugin that enables Facebook Page owners to attract and gain Likes from their own website. It uses Facebook Like Box.
See how many users already like this page, and which of their friends like it too. Read recent posts from the page Like the page with one click, without needing to visit the page. Get more visitors and more traffic to your site by getting more Facebook Fans.
- Facebook Recommendation Bar
- Option to Show/Hide Faces Option
- Option to change Background Color
- Option to change Border Color
- Uses Official Facebook APIs.
- Facebook Like Box Plugin Integration.
- Show Like Box on any `Page or Post`.
- Show Like Box in `Sidebar/Widget Area`.
- Option to specify Width, Height, Number of Connections, Stream, Heading for both Sidebar and Post/Page widget.
Tags: facebook, FB members, facebook plugin, like box, likebox, facebook like box, facebook integration
- Unpack the `download-package`.
- Upload the file to the `
` directory. - Activate the plugin through the `Plugins` menu in WordPress.
- Configure the options under Admin Panel `Settings -> Facebook Members`.
- Done and Ready.
- Please see FAQ for usage.
Frequently Asked Questions:
= How can I get Facebook Member Widget to my blog’s Page or Post? =
* Please add <!--facebook-page-plugin—>
to any page/post under HTML section.
= How can I get Facebook Members to blog’s sidebar? =
* Go to `Appearance -> Widgets -> Facebook Members` and add it into Sidebar.
= What should I put in page name section? =
* You need to provide whatever is after ``…….. (URL).
= How do I disable Recommendation Bar Plugin
* Simply keep AppId field blank.
* NOTE: I created this plugin as of my personal interest only.
Live Demo: (Custom Color Example)
ScreenShots: (click to expand)
I love this page and the information.
Now a days people not using these plugins I think. Only necessary people using it. It also increases site load speed.
That’s right. That’s why we stopped supported also.
I think Facebook lost trust now a days as we started seeing more ads then important stuff on it 🙁
Hey! I see last post on this thread is 2 years ago so my guess is the plugin has not been updated since? I have Version 8.0. In chrome it loads in sidebar, in firefox it is hidden. Thanks
Hi Sam. That’s right. We have stopped maintaining plugin. But we are always here to help. I’ll check this out and will update soon.
Good evening,
We noticed that with You plugin activated Gtmetrix evaluation goes horribly down (F 44%).
If we deactivated it the score goes to (A 92%). Do You know some work around to fix this situation?
Thak You very much
Hi There – we are using official Facebook APIs to show facebook members.
What all options have you enabled? Can you share screenshot of your site?
hello there!!! i have installed the plugin. i have a facebook page but blank when is used on widget. any thoughts ??
maybe something on facebook api something ???
Hi there – I’ve just tried and it’s all working well. Did you try cleaning Site cache? Let me know if you are still facing an issue. Sorry for late reply.
Any news?
Hi there – can you try now? I’ve just updated plugin with timeline, messages and events features.
It looks like the “show stream” option is no longer there. Has this been removed or is something gone awry?
Sorry about that. Work is in progress. I’ll release update with that option in couple of days.
Any news on this? We still don’t have the “show stream” option visible.
Hi Warthen – we have already released version 7.2 with stream feature couple of weeks back. Let me know if you still have any issue showing Streams.
Could we have an E.T.A. on this? Thanks so much!
Hi Warthen – I just replied to you in other thread. Feature has been released already couple of weeks back in
version 7.2
.is there any better plugin this time? it’s a bit old post so it maybe some better solutions.
Hi Frushi – did you get chance to look at latest update? What issue are you facing?
we’re just keep trying few plugins for ‘facebook members’ board – and we thought that this plugin is ‘out of date’ but we see that is still good : ) we plan to open new job-offer portal and have still a ‘demo’ phase ; )
That’s good news. Please stay tuned for new update within a week with more options.
After the most recent update (7.1), the admin panel shows nothing like the screenshots on this page, and there is no way to set streaming. Have downloaded and reinstalled the latest build. Nothing changed. How can I initiate a Facebook feed? Screenshot.
Thanks for feedback. I’m looking at that right now. Hmm.. Seems I missed adding that option. Let me add it. After testing new version will be out within few days.
Please stay tuned.
Thanks. I like the app very much when it works. I’ll reinstall after its updated.
The plugin has been broken for weeks now. Any chance of a fix?
Hi Brenda. We will take a look at an issue soon. Please stay tuned. Could you share what issue are you facing?
I’ve installed your plugin that is replacement for one tha was outdated. All well, great job. I need info what does Enter your read time option means ?
The reason I’m writing this is because I got errors in debug log:
PHP Notice: has_cap je was called with argument that is old from version 2.0.0! wp-includesfunctions.php on line 4020
If disable zour plugin no errorsin log file, after enable it again errors do come every time your plugin is loaded.
What to od ?
Hi Marjaz – thanks for pasting error message. I’m taking a look right now. Will update you soon.
I am trying to embed the Facebook Members in a single page.
Entered but without succes: as of this point nothing is shown on the webpage.
Using WP 4.7 and Twenty seventeen theme.
I’m assuming you already know this but: this plugin seems to have broke recently. Using WP 4.5.2 and Elegantthemes Divi Theme.
Hi David – i’m working on major refactor and with multiple widget option. I’ll take a look and fix bug. Stay tuned for an update.
HI, I installed the plugin with WP 4.42. and there comes the expected note, that the plugin is not compatible. But I can’t see any problems.
Are there any experiences with the plugin + WP 4.42?
Hi Regina – facebook moved to new API but all previous APIs are backward compatible. So you are good.
Thank you very much for your answer. I am glad. 😉
Looks like really good plugin. Just one question, is it possible to only show the Facebook Like button with the number of Likes next to it? Thanks Paul
Hi Paul – we have deprecated this plugin and moved to plugin long time back. As per latest Facebook API – we don’t have any option to show only like button with number. Attached an image, minimalist we could go.
Thanks very much.
Excellent Plugin! The best that I have come across with regards to Facebook.
Hi. Suddenly my like box is blank. 24 hour ago it worked fine. What’s wrong?
Is there anyway we can remove or move in the body the
in head because it’s causing HTML Markup error. Thank you!
Great plugin by the way!
Hi App Shah, nice plugin. Due to the newest Facebook update the sizing does not stay fixed anymore. Can you offer an update please that will automatically resize? E.g. the height differs when logged into Facebook and not logged in. It would be best if you can only set width and height would automatically resize…
Thanks Nils. Will make changes soon.
Please help . Not show anything on the widget ! 🙁 What ‘s the problem?
Hi Karoly – checking on this.
Hi does this plugin work for facebook groups as well as pages?
I’m just getting a bare white square with no members showing up.
I’ve tried using groups/178590175650767/ and also just 178590175650767/ but doesn’t seem to work.
Hi Chris – This plugin just works with Facebook pages.
Hi. It is great plugin but how can I make It responsive? I paste it in my main site. I set it width on 1080px and there is problem when I jump on the site in mobile version. Plugin isn’t responsive. How can I fix that?
Hi Piotr – currently plugin is not responsive. We will get this as a feedback and update into next release. Thank you.
NIce plugin, works great!
But i can’t use it on multiple (custom created) sidebars. When I drag and drop it to a sidebar, it’s no longer visible in the available widgets list? Is this normal behaviour?
Thanks Bjorn
Hi Bjorn – that’s right. Currently we don’t support multiple sidebar functionality.
Just a quick question: does anybody know how to target the CSS to change the “X,XXXX people like” from black to white? I can’t seem to override these styles 🙁
How can I change color of “You like this” and “You and … others like ….”? Thanks
Hi Standa – I believe we don’t have an option to change that color. Comes from Facebook official APIs.
On mobile pages, it still shows the wordpress likebox instead of what the user enters.
Hi Justin – Do you still have this issue? Might be caching issue if you are using any cache plugin?
I figured it out. Thanks
Awesome. Nice to hear that.
Excellent Plugin! The best that I have come across with regards to Facebook.
Is there a way to specify different lengths for the widget to fit different pages?
Thanks in advance!
Hi how could I put this in a template?
Hi Abdulkarim – Shortcode wont work in Widget area. It will work on Post/Page. I am not entirely computer illiterate but while i can change the size, the color, the title of the box, ect… it will not display anything. It sits there blank, receiving no data from Facebook whatsoever. I have a page with 490 likes and it shows nothing. I’ve followed the instructions, resized it to fit my sidebar, only have the page url past and it will not work. Any suggestions?
Hi Phaylen – I just tried and worked for me. Could you please make sure you add this as your page name: pages/Chronicles-Of-Mystica/888956817833719
Hi App Shah! I think it may be actually the Theme I purchased, which appears to be very, very poorly coded and not really cooperative with any plugins or 3rd party widgets.
Hello, it seems that i can only add the fb members widget to 1 sidebar. IWhen i add the widget to a sidebar, it disappears from the available widgets. So its impossible to add it to a second sidebar. What do i need to do to fix this? I need the fb member widget in different sidebars that all have different other widgets. Thanks for your help, Mark
Hi Mark – sorry to hear that but yes, currently it’s by design only. Requested feature is in pipeline.
Hi App Shah.
Like Carin mentioned 3 months ago, the Like Box does only work on Firefox (and IE) but not on Chrome (Version 39.0.2171.71 m (64-bit)). Any idea how to solve this?
Thx Claude
PS: As my site is still under construction I cannot give you my URL, but check neodistributing com for example.
Hi Claude.. Thanks for posting an issue. I’m on this version right now and I never faced this issue. Can you share your Facebook page URL? I’ll try at my end as want to reproduce locally.
Hi App Shah. Try neodistributing for example, the box remains white / empty as it does not load the fb content but only shows the about:blank page…..
Hi Claude – It seems it’s working fine now. I checked and I do see it working. Between – you have very nice blog.
Hi App Shah, I still encounter this issue of not seeing this on Firefox 45.0.2. Pls. See k-andrea. nl tks
Hi can anyone tell me how to use the plugin for different sidebars. For example I have the widget on my default page sidebar, but I also want to use it on my blog sidebar as well?
This is very helpful for bloggers to set up a Facebook Like box in their side bars. Chances are your readers are your biggest fans so you should make it easy for them to Like your Facebook page. But adding the box isn’t automatic so this article will be very instructional for people to add this to their websites.
Did you guys ever add any functionality that allows for the plugin to display on post sidebars as well as the main page sidebar? Is there a way to do this?
Thanks. Great plugin.
Hi Chibuzor – sorry but no tentative date so far.
hi, i tried but it doesnt show up anything on tghe widget, facebook members? like the others widget?
Hi Richard – what problem are you facing? Just to double confirm – this plugin words for Facebook Page but not with Groups.
I don’t know if the comment I just published got lost or something, but, here I go again…
Is there a way to show more than 100 profile pictures in the likebox?
I’m trying to create a colage of ALL the people who liked my page as a “1000 likes celebration poster”
and I need to render 1000 profile pics somehow.
¿is there a way to shrink the thumbnail pics?
Hi Pablo – hmm. never tried that but there should not be any limitation on this. As far as width and height doesn’t override faces.
Hello, very nice plugin btw! Just a quick question:
I’d like to disable the recommendation bar (as attached), so I followed your instruction to leave the AppID blank. But what if I want to still use the Facebook Widget on other pages? How does the plugin know which facebook fanpage I want it to connect to?
Hi Jason – You mean Facebook Page Like widget. If yes, there is an option to provide FB fanpage Name in admin console. Settings -> Facebook Members.
Hi App Shah – Thanks for the response. I’m referring to the like popup in the attachment and how do I remove it but still enabling the facebook page like widget in the PAGE / POST. I just want the widget to appear on a specfic page, but not as a popup on every page. I hope this clears up the question. Thank you!
Can anyone give me the php code to add this widget directly to my homepage? Thank you!!
Very nice plugin. I just can’t get it to work with groups. I only want to the members of my group. I type in groups/********************** and…. nothing shows up. Any idea what I’m doing wrong?
Or is this plugin simply not for groups? Because when I type in CocaCola a lot of friends of that company are showing.
That’s right Louwh.. This plugin works with Facebook Pages.
Hi. Great plugin! Wonder howv i hide it on pages? Thanks frank
Hi Richard – try Widget Visibility from Jetpack:
Hello. Nice plugin. I use it on a dark page and the widget text is also dark. Transparency is ON.
How can I make it white?
hi my blod is 9vies .ca i want to ask if you can add in the future version of your script some language like french or else since my page is in french and my facebook button say “j’aime” but only in your plugin its says like or can you help me to fix that 🙂
Hi Maxime – as plugin is not translated to any other language you may be seeing that. I’ve encourage developer to add translation to this plugin. Code is in Github:
Hi, I cannot find Facebook Members in my widgets… even though I have the plugin onmy homepage sidebar… I am trying to also install it on my pages sidebar… any ideas?
Hi Tom –
You could have it only 1 FB members plugin in Sidebar. There is only 1 instance of plugin available. There are few ways to make it work with multiple sidebar but currently don’t have time to push that code :(.
Hey there, this was working perfectly for a couple hours, but now the widget has stopped showing the “faces”. If I set it to show stream it still works.
It might have stopped working after I installed another plugin (Facebook Conversion Pixel) but I’m not sure.
My site is
Any help would be very greatly appreciated.
I believe it was temporary glitch. We don’t control facebook feed. It comes from official Facebook APIs. Just checked your site and I do see it working perfectly.
Thanks for using plugin.
Anyway to make this responsive on mobile? It stretches out too far when viewing my blog.
Unfortunately not at this time.
I opened ie on a computer I have never visited the site with and still cannot see the plugin except for the header, (see the screenshot) I also cleared cache on chrome and still could not see it,
Hello any chance I can get support, do you have a paid option?
Hi There –
I’m more than happy to help you on your issue. Can you shoot out an email?
The plugin works great on firefox but cannot see facebook stuff on ie or chrome, I have disabled every plugin except genesis extender, what can I do? Thank you so much for your help,
Hi Carin –
I’m using Google Chrome 37 and it’s working perfectly fine for me :). Have you tried clearing your browser cache? Let me know.
Jesse B • 7 months ago
Bit of an odd one. After installing this plugin, I now have a little white box with red outline in the bottom right of my homepage that says “action must be”. I think it might say more, but the rest of it is cut off
Hi Nandu – Could you please share your blog URL and FB page link? Would like to debug it.
very nice facebook
Hi, I have installed the widget and everything seems fine on my end, but the widget doesn’t show on my website (soytotalmentegodinez) only the title. Any thoughts? Thanks!
Hi Godinez – Could you please share your FB page URL?
Hey thanks for the great plugin,
How can I add Facebook members plugin in the main sidebar and the page sidebar? (as the current theme has an option for different sidebars for different kind of pages) When selected in the main sidebar, ‘Facebook Members’ disappears from the Available widgets.
Even tried pasting ” ” as a html, still nothing show up on the sidebar.
Could you please help me out with it?
Hi Nimesh –
Plugin works with only one sidebar as of now. Will try to add multiple widget option probably later.
Hello, I have a problem with the plugin. I installed, configured and activated it as you advised but i can’t see any change. Someone to help ? The website is : neodistributing
Hi Stefan –
Have you placed Widget in sidebar? Let me know which sidebar it is. I don’t see it on your blog.
Hi, thank you for your reply
I tried to place it in the default and hidden sidebar but don’t seems to work. :/
Hi Stefan. Can you try putting into Default Sidebar and see if you see it? What is Hidden Panel Sidebar. Never heard of it before.
It seems to work then thank you !
I’ve got a Problem with Facebook – Members. On the Desktop it works fine but on a mobile device it don’t work ! Why ??
Can everybody help me ??
Thanks . thomas
Hi Thomas –
Never faced this issue before. Not sure what could be the problem but might be related to Theme. Could you please try switching to WordPress default theme and check? Let me know if that doesn’t work.
i change the themes.. and doesn’t work.. it is a problem for the facebook – Address or for my facebook site.. ?
Hi Thomas. Can you share page URL? I couldn’t found FB page link on your site.
Hi. Looks like a great app. Installed fine but I can only get it to display an empty white box in my sidebar with the developers link underneath. I’ve tried re-installing and noticed a few people reporting the same issue. Any idea how to fix please anyone??
Hi Matt –
Not sure what could be the problem but might be related to Theme. Could you please try switching to WordPress default theme and check? Let me know if that doesn’t work.
Hi App Shah
Apologies, I updated the support page but forgot to update the forum. I am a total NOOB; after days of staring I realised I’d used the Facebook profile URL instead of the page URL. It now works like a charm!!
I installed this pluggin and now I am getting this error, has anyone seen this?
Notice: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0! Usage of user levels by plugins and themes is deprecated. Use roles and capabilities instead.
Hi Scott –
Please try to upgrade to latest version. It should be resolved by now.
Hi There. Please share your option panel’s screenshot. Would like to take a quick look.
How do I disable the popup in the bottom right hand corner? I only want the widget.
Simply keep AppId field blank 🙂
is there a way to round the corners of the Facebook Members box?
Yes. You could modify it using custom CSS.
I have following issue: 8 person have liked, only 4 will be displayed with photo!
Hi Frank. This depends on user’s privacy setting. Some may not want other to share their likes 😉
Loving your plugin, but I’m having an odd issue with a white line that pops up on the right hand side. This is with a dark background and it only shows up when displaying faces (when it serves as a like box only, the line disappears). Any way to solve this? Also, any way to make this responsive? Thanks so much!
One line responsive fix
Add a Custom CSS
#likeboxwrap { width: 100% !important; }
Awesome. Thanks Jherson for sharing tips.
Thanks so much! This worked great. Can you explain what it’s doing exactly? What is the “#likeboxwrap” representing?
This is working with all browsers but Safari. Disabling and resetting the plug in is not helping the issue. Any help?
Hi Suzanna. Could you please share some more info? I can’t reproduce at my end.
Hello, Love the plugin so far!
Can you let me know how to change the
font size for the text line referring to how many people “like” the
page when shown in the widget sidebar? I need to increase the size of
the font for the text “XX,XXX people like [pagename]”.
Ok, I just took out the recommendation bar and the extra box disappeared, so there’s only one thing left. Can I copy the widget to my other pages so it shows on all of them, instead of just the homepage?
Hmmmm, spent a couple of hours setting this widget up last night, was working and looked great.
Today it’s not’s working.
I have selected 10 connection and specified a widget height on 255px. The problem I’m having is that when I am signed into Facebook, 11 faces show on the widget instead of 10. I’m afraid that others may be experiencing this same issue. Is there a fix for this?
Not yet. I don’t think there is a fix for that. Even without plugin – direct script also gives me same result 🙁
just put in to your style something like this:
change width and height to your preferences.
Bit of an odd one. After installing this plugin, I now have a little white box with red outline in the bottom right of my homepage that says “action must be”. I think it might say more, but the rest of it is cut off underneath. I’ve disabled the plugin and the box disappears. Enabled, the box reappears. Anyone have a similar issue?
yup, exact same happened to me…
Thanks Guys for your help.
I still get this box. Is there a fix for this? I’d like to use the feature, if possible. Here’s the code. Any guidance in how to fix it so it works would be great.
Hi Grace Keh.
I couldn’t reproduce this at my end. Could you please share your option setting screenshot? Would like to debug.
Apparently if you’re using the WordPress Plugin, just don’t fill out anything under the Recommendation Bar Setting and it magically disappears 🙂
Hope that helps you!
Excellent. Thanks for your help.
I just upgraded to 3.8 and now have no faces and the page looks like it never loads, i tried disabling other plugins to find a conflict and got to to the bare bones (this is a genesis theme and uses some genesis plugins that I cannot disable) and still the same, no faces and a twirling wheel in the browser bar, any advice, we love your plugin!!
Hi Dan. Please let me know if you have still have this issue.
I am using wordpress 3.8. In the Widget Likebos options, I have put Show Faces Yes, but there is none in the widget section of my website
Ideally it should work out of the box. Do you still have this issue?
Thank you for the clear instructions on adding the facebook app! I never knew what choices to make on the “Select how your app integrates with Facebook” section and the sandbox mode, and now I realized I don’t have to do anything, just make a name and save, very helpful! I do have a question, there is a link to facebook under the widget, Can I remove this link?
No. We can’t remove that link.
Love the plug-in!
I was trying to find a way for a second sidebar widget and it was the first thing that was difficult to do with it…
I see in the comments that it isn’t supported which explains the difficulty…
Are there any plans to support multiple sidebar widgets in the future?
The plugin works great except for the recommendations box doesn’t transfer the likes back to fb. Any ideas how to get this working?
Can anyone help me out on this issue? I would really love the likes on my suggestion box to carry back to the main Facebook page. Any help would be really appreciated!
Sorry for late reply. Do you still have this issue?
Installed, but the like box does NOT show up in post on homepage … what DOES show up in the post on the home page is “- Facebook Members WordPress Plugin ” … the box only shows up if you follow the “read More” link … what am I doing wrong??
All of my Facebook “likes” seem to be showing up twice on my sidebar widget? Their faces are repeated twice. Any idea why?….
Hi Jon, we don’t have any control on feed. It usually comes from facebook APIs.
Sorry – issue solved – I had by accident filled out some of the fields ind the “Recommendation bar settings” – and I only use the Widget. So one have to remember NOT to fill out any fields that is not in use – oterhwise it might give error messages? thx for a very nice plugin…
Awesome. Glad it worked.
After updating WP to latest version I keep getting this error in Chrome (a littel red box in lower right corner: The parameter app_id is required – If I deactivate the plugin the error message dissapears. Seems like the plugin needs an update?
Works fine for me in Safari too
Glad it worked for you.
Trying to get a widget set up.
If I use “wordpress” as “Facebook Page Name” it works (showing wordpress likes), when I’m using smulblog a blank box shows up 🙁
Any ideas?
Hi great app but am getting a blank space where the app should e for a profile.
Any response? Or advice from others where it DID show up?
Hello, just installed side widget, everything is fine but i just don’t like the dark border on the right ride of the widget… i left background as white “ffffff” … when choosing the border color the right side border on the widget just doubles… wondering how to remove it…
I Installed the plugin a couple of months ago. Everything was fine but now there is no stream. Only a blank wall. What did I do wrong?
Very nice plugin. Thanks for sharing.
I’m getting a lot of 404 errors from: // and also some from the plugin images, e.g: plugins/facebook-members/images/ui-bg_glass_75_dadada_1x400.png
Are there any solution to those errors you know of ? Thanks!
Hi Elad,
Thanks for reporting your problem. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to reproduce this. Can you share your blog URL to check?
Hi there, I just installed the plugin after reading great reviews about it. For whatever reason the stream is blank and I have two like boxes coming up. Widget has been installed on the footer of my site. ( Please advise what I need to do to fix this!
Hi Julia,
I’ve just checked your blog and plugin works just fine. Let me know if you have any more question.
Works fine for me in Safari too
I can’t see admin menu options of the plugin in wordpress 3.6.1. Can you help me?
Hi Jordi,
I believe, WP 3.6.1 is just a bug fix release. I’m not seeing any issue at my end. Is there anything got changed at your end other than WP 3.6.1 upgrade?
Hi Jordi – do you still have this an issue?
Great Plugin. i do have a major issue with it though… It does not show the Like box on IE, or Safari browsers. Has anyone else mentioned this or am i doing something really wrong?
Hi Rolland,
Do you still have this issue? I couldn’t able to recreate this issue locally.
Can’t seem to get the Recommendation Bar to load my profile. FB Page is https:// www. facebook. com
Hi Chester,
Didn’t get your query. Can you share your blog name?
Hi, I need to install this plugin in several sidebars, is that possible? Thanks!
Hi Rafae,
Currently plugin doesn’t support multi sidebar functions.
The plug in works fine form me, however, it seems to me that the pictures are visible only when facebook users are online. Is it possible to see them even though the users are off? How to change the configuration of likebox?
Hi Slawek,
Sorry to hear that.. but we don’t have any control on this.
Hi, there. I have used this plug in before with no problems. However, this time it cut off the right side of the widget frame. I fixed this by lowering the size of the widget in the settings. But then it pushed some of the faces down onto another line and left them not centered. Could you please tell me how to center them? (I tried to edit the plug in files, but couldn’t find the right spot.) Thanks!
Hi There, unfortunately we don’t have that control.
Hi! I got the plugin to work on my widget area and it is great. However, I want just a simple facebook like button on my homepage. I have configured it but it is not showing up. Is there a shortcode I need to put in? I put in the shortcode you had in FAQ’s on my home page and it didnt do anything. My page is
Hi Laura,
Sorry for late reply. It’s been very busy week :(. Plugin doesn’t currently support shortcode. But you can use shortcode which is mentioned in FAQ section to appear Facebook Likebox in post/page.
Hi App, thank you for your response, the url is http:// thewheeleragency. com/
(unable to see anything if logged out of facebook)
Sorry for late reply. I just checked and it seems plugin works just fine.. Thanks for visiting Crunchify.
Hi App,
I’m having the same problem as some of the others that when I’m logged into facebook it shows up where it belongs & is blank when I’m not logged into facebook. It’s not a privacy setting on facebook. It’s our website. Thanks for your help!
Hi, I’m new to configuring this plugin and I can not get it to show up with a ‘like ‘ bar and can’t see where to load my logo like you have on your sample images of how it should look. Take a look at and please let me know what I need to do, thanks 🙂
Hi Jo Menhinick,
I Would like to solve this for you. I need some more informations:
– Is this your facebook profile or page URL?
– Can you share your facebook page URL?
– Also, send me your admin console’s diagram where you have placed page value.
Hi App,
My website where I’m trying to use your plugin on the home page is Jo-Menhinick-Design-Ltd.
Thanks for screenshot Jo Menhinick.
Can you try putting “pages/Jo-Menhinick-Design-Ltd/452956724769744″ as Facebook page Name? Just remove (” – double quote) for it…
In other words – add everything from URL after
I checked all privacy settings on the facebook page which are all set to public, but the plugin does not show up when I am logged out of facebook. thewheeleragency dot com tks!!
I would like to check/debug this on my end. But without site URL it’s very hard for me to debug 🙁
Hi! great plug-in! Straight forward and good to use. One Question, I am using the Facepile in the sidebar widget, but can i switch of the little “like” pop-up that is displayed on the single post page at the bottom? Thnx!
Hi Ernest,
Sorry but I didn’t get your question. Can you share your blog URL?
Hi App, the url is www. whatwomenwantrotterdam. nl It is a blog on fun things to do for women (and men). I am using the facebook face pile on the homepage but when you go to the single post, there is a like button in the right bottom corner. Can that be switched off? For some reason participants find it a reason to complain when a competitor has more likes… so if I switch it of i will prevent the discussion.
Thanks Ernest for info. Absolutely, you can hide that Recommendation bar by leaving APP ID field blank in Option Panel. Find attached screenshot.
Hope it help.
Oh wow, that went easy! Thnx!
I´ve tested many of the other plugins, but yours the best. The others can`t manage to override the ugly standart Border.
But all other plugins offer two style options:
– light
– dark
I want to use the dark option with your Plugin!
Good Point. Will add this option in next release. It’s in my TODO list.
facebook sidebar doesnot appear on my sidebar ? please hep me out
Hi Mohan,
Can you share your blog URL?
hey thank you for providing this plugin.
and i want to know whether i can block recommendation bar or not.
if i can,let me know how to block it. thank you
Hi Evan,
Sure, you can do that by just keeping a Facebook AppID field empty.
Can you change the text colour? Can’t find it in the CSS.
Hi Craig,
Unfortunately we don’t that control.
Hello, I installed the Plugin and also followed all the steps to have it live on my new blog, but the link does not show. Do I need to set up something in my Facebook too? How many members should I have in order to Plugin to work? Currently I have only 2. Thanks a lot
Hi Sylvi,
Can you please share your site URL? Is it facebook Page or Profile? There isn’t any restriction on number of users.
I am curious why I cannot get the plugin to show up when I am not logged into facebook. It shows up fine when logged in, but for some reason I cannot get it to show when I am not logged in. Thanks!
Hi David,
Might be something related to privacy? Facebook Members plugins doesn’t have any session specific setting.
You may want to take a look at Setting page.
We are enjoying having the widget in our sidebar, thank you.
Wondering though –
1. How to center the photos? With my width the photos look like they are left justified, would be better if they could be centered.
2. Is there an option to make it so we have the LIKE box, the photos, and then show the FB feed?
Hi June. Please find here my answers
1. I doubt about this. I guess we don’t have this option available for customization.
2. Yes, you can achieve this. Kindly look at attached screenshot.
Hope this helps.
Boy – I’m impressed with the script and the quick response time to questions.
I was unclear in my original note. I could see how to show the FB feed(stream) – it was the order I wanted to be able to change. This option is LIKE, stream, photos. I wanted LIKE, photos, stream.
I guess I also miss read your original question. I also wanted the same for my another blog but Facebook is not letting us customize that. It’s not a part of their Like Box Configuration:
Okay – Thanks. I just took the stream out as it doesn’t look good in my format.
great plugin, but I am trying to add this facebook URL to it – https:// facebook. com/joanne.hichens.3 /(only adding /joanne.hichens.3) and it will not show the FB account information.
The plugin works with all the other facebook urls i have tried, but not this one…what is wrong with this FB URL – it works if you go to it directly…
Thanks T Bailey for pointing out this issue. I guess it may be a bug with period(.) in a facebook page name. I’m right now out but will confirm this at my end during weekend and update.
Update1: I just noticed Profile URL: https:// facebook. com/joanne.hichens.3
Facebook Members WP Plugin works only for Facebook Page. And that’s the reason it’s not working for you.
More info: https:// developers.
Hi, the plugin is terrific, but I’m getting errors that it can’t find the file ‘/wp-content/plugins/facebook-members/css/images/ui-bg_glass_75_dadada_1x400.png’. I didn’t do anything special in the installation. Has something gone wrong? Thanks.
Interesting. It seems that image is not a part of Facebook Member plugin. Can you try uninstalling and installing plugin again? Let me know.
I tried that but it didn’t help. I noticed the file ‘jquery-ui.css’ calls the following images:
etc. However in the zip, none of those images exist.
Thanks for info. I’ll take a look at this tomorrow and will update..
Hi there,
I’ve just installed the plugin on my wordpress site but all I’m getting is a little link showing up asking if I want to switch back to another part of my Facebook account, ie. my personal page rather than the fan page I want to link. The rest of the box is blank…
Any suggestions?
Hi Joe,
Thanks for reporting this. I’m hearing this first time. Would you be kind enough to post a screenshot here in comment?
Hi App Shah thanks for your quick reply. I’m feeling a little silly right now, in the end all I had to do was click the little link box that was showing with my personal profile page picture and then it switched over to the fan page Facebook members box. All good now. Thanks.
Good to hear Joe. Thanks for your update.
Excellent plugin, but I’m wondering something… Where should I start editing so I can translate it to Spanish? Thanks!
Thanks Carlos Quivera for offering translation. I’ll email you about the same soon.
Hi Kurc, this usually goes away with Facebook fans.
Generally I don’t learn article on blogs, but I would like to say that this write-up very forced me to check out and do so! Your writing style has been amazed me. Thanks, quite great post.
Awesome. Thanks for nice words.
Thanks for nice words.
My background is a dark colour. How can I change to font colour no the crunchify widget? I’d like all the text to be #50a9d2. (except for down the bottom where it says ‘facebook social plugin’ – it can stay as is).
Hi Cara,
I doubt about font text color. I think, we can’t change it.
I also have the same issue as Cara. I need to change the unlinked words ‘you like this’ and ‘you and xxx others like this to #FFF. There must be some way in the js to change the text color if not in the CSS.
Hi Cara, unfortunately we don’t have that control.
Any updates on PHP for individual pages?
Without this this plugin is not worth it. I am using a custom sidebar.php and I need to implement this plugin straight into the page.
Hi Lou,
This functionality is not there yet. It’s been super busy now but it’s my todo list.
Hi App,
I completely understand how things can get busy. This is a vital piece though, so I hope you work it out soon, as it appears it is in high demand and is really needed. Any suggestions on a fast hack?
Thank you for all you have provided.
Hi Crunchify, I am adding the code () on my page and I have no faces on. It’s seted – Show faces: Yes- at the settings page but it doesn’t work I don’t know why.
Do you know any issue related? Please take a look at (scroll down).
A question …
I’d like to use it on multiple pages. After use, it is no longer in widgets. Is this normal?
Thank you for your reply.
sorry for my English is google translation 🙂
Hi Vivian,
As mentioned below my reply to Len Mason, please stay tuned..
I can se de Admin Panel Settings of Facebook Members, but I can see the plugin working in the frontend
Since the widget doesn’t allow for more than one sidebar use, what is the method for hardcoding the widget into my theme? Thanks!
Hi Len Mason,
Currently plugin doesn’t have this functionality. I got this request so far 3-4 time.. Now this is the best time to look into this.. Will update this thread with more info. Please stay tuned.
Hi, tnx for this great plugin. I am having some problems with it. I placed it in my sidebar. My activities in FB perfectly showing. But when I want to show the likes (the other option) all I see is a blanc space. I see some other people are having this difficulty. My site is:
And can I have both? First the list of activities on FB and below that the Likes? Hope you’ll have the time to answer my comment.
Hi Zenmama, thanks for your feedback.. Checking on this now..
I really like the plugin and I am sure you’re working on it, but having the option to put in 100% as a width and having the icon grid automatically adjust would be very valuable for responsive themes.
Great suggestion Justin.. Will definitely consider this as a feature request..
Hello i do the same thinks like your exemple but, on my website i have spam publicity
Hi App, could you find out anything regarding my problem? Unfortunately it is still not solved.. Thanks!
Sorry for late reply Poli Kati. Last thing I would recommend to switch to default WordPress theme and check result. May be your current theme is blocking some scripts.
I’m having problems with the recommendation bar. I would like to list my FB page URL, however, it appears to default to the current page. I tried to put in any other website, but it keeps defaulting to the current page. Any suggestions?
Hi Tom,
Ideally it should recommends based on your blog posts. We don’t have any control on how Facebook feed works but it should work seamlessly after some time. May be Facebook initially tries to index your site..
I’m having the same problem with a test site, with nothing showing. Used the plugin last
week on another site and is still working. In trial and error testing, I’ve found for me
it will not work using a Facebook custom name, i.e. (I only enter
info after the .com/). It works fine for the format
(of course just entering; pages/name/number.
Does anyone know how to find the URL format when I only
have their
Hi Tom,
Plugin works with customname too, that what I’m using. Can you share your blog URL? I’ll try to debug that…
I have the widget set up on my site, babyswagsboutique and the like box on the home page works fine, it’s the share/like button on the product pages that shows an error. At the bottom right corner it shows a box that says “Invalid App” {here is a product page } Any thoughts on this error? Seems everything is correct – I have the right app id#, page name, etc… and it worked when I first installed it and now it doesn’t.
hii, I’m having a problem with the widget. I set up the facebook likebox and placed it in my sidebar, and never work. it is a white box. Any idea what could be causing this?
Hi Sherif,
Can you share your Blog URL on which you seeing blank widget? While replying below to Poli, plugin works just fine.. Would like to debug on my side…
Hi there, my facebook plugin works well on my localhost (wamp) but when i upload online nothing shows? help anybody?
Hi there,
Sorry but I didn’t get your question.. Can you share your Blog URL?
Hi Kurc,
This issue may get resolve automatically once you have more followers on FB page… As my plugin uses official Facebook APIs we don’t have any control on feed… 🙂
Hi James.. do you still have this issue? I’m hearing this 2nd time.. Poli just reported the same as you can see it in my previous comment above..
Can you share your blog URL too..
Hello again,
I managed to identify the problem based on the advice you gave to Poli. If the facebook members page is unpublished, the widget will only display a white box. Makes perfect sense in retrospect. Love the app, and thank you for taking your time to troubleshoot!
Hello James, how could you solve the problem? What do you mean by facebook members page is unpublised? Thanks
Option to specify Width, Height, Number of Connections, Stream, Heading for both Sidebar and Post/Page widget.
Thanks for checking it!
Interesting.. I’ve just tried this URL in my browser.. and it’s redirecting to https: //www. facebook. com/
Make sure you have all correct settings selected for your FB page…
Thanks Poli Kati.. I’ve just tried plugin on other 2 different sites and it worked very well.. Could you please try your test on default wordpress theme? Might be some conflict..
Also, can you try it on another browser? Is there any plugin which you think blocking facebook from loading??
Hi App, for me the fb link works fine, not redirecting to fb home… what I do not understand is that I use your pluging on all my sites also with the same theme and works fine. and it did work fine on this page as well sofar.. I tried with 3 different browsers already.