In theory, meetings are a wonderful tool. You get together with your colleagues, spitball ideas, pin down agendas, and have some quality face-to-face interactions. They’re as much an opportunity to get work done as to team build. But sometimes your meetings become wasteful. There are quite a few reasons behind that and there are few mentioned here.
- No clear agenda and no priority.
- No adequate time given to members
- Weak chair person
- Lack of direction
- Poor co-ordination
- Inability to arrive at conclusion
- No action plan
- Lack of authenticity
- Lack of control over meeting
- Irrelevant topic – discussion
- Time constraint (less or two more time)
- Members should come with full preparation on the subject.
- Inter personal relation (clashes)
- Poor attendance of members
- Frequency of meeting (high or very low)
- Lack of subject knowledge
- There are interference from outside
- Fear of presentation by participants (Members)
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