You can refresh the content of a DIV element without reloading the entire page using jQuery by making an AJAX call to a server-side script that returns the updated content.
Create a DIV element on your page where you want to display the updated content. For example:
<div id="content"></div>
Create a server-side script that returns the updated content. For example, in PHP:
<?php $content = "This is the updated content"; echo $content; ?>
Use jQuery’s $.ajax() method to make an AJAX call to the server-side script and update the content of the DIV element. For example:
$(document).ready(function(){ setInterval(function(){ $.ajax({ url: 'content.php', // URL of the server-side script success: function(data) { $('#content').html(data); // Update the content of the DIV element } }); }, 5000); // Refresh the content every 5 seconds });
This will refresh the content of the DIV with id “content” every 5 seconds, without reloading the entire page.
In my previous example I’ve explained you, how to refresh data on JSP page coming from Spring MVC Controller and refresh using JQuery.. You can take a look at it here.
This article will help you to understand the power of jQuery (library of JavaScript functions) with simple html page.
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List of all Java, jQuery, AJAX, Spring MVC Examples.