Hello Guys, I here once again with a new Social Media Buttons widget for WordPress. The widget is unique and attractive with a nice hover effect. It includes all major social network’s buttons and does not slow down your blog.
Now lets get started.
Download icons from here.
Extract and put it under your theme’s image folder.
Add below CSS to your theme’s style.css file.
.icons a { display: inline-block; width: 24px; height: 24px; margin: 10px; vertical-align: middle; -o-transition: all .3s; -moz-transition: all .3s; -webkit-transition: all .3s; -ms-transition: all .3s; } .icons a.twitter { background: url("images/social/twitter.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.dribbble { background: url("images/social/dribbble.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.rss { background: url("images/social/rss.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.pinterest { background: url("images/social/pinterest.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.digg { background: url("images/social/digg.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.flickr { background: url("images/social/flickr.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.forrst { background: url("images/social/forrst.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.vimeo { background: url("images/social/vimeo.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.reddit { background: url("images/social/reddit.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.linkedin { background: url("images/social/linkedin.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.facebook { background: url("images/social/facebook.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.paypal { background: url("images/social/paypal.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.stumbleupon { background: url("images/social/stumbleupon.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.email { background: url("images/social/email.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.deviantart { background: url("images/social/deviantart.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.netvibes { background: url("images/social/netvibes.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.yahoo { background: url("images/social/yahoo.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.github { background: url("images/social/github.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.addthis { background: url("images/social/addthis.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.behance { background: url("images/social/behance.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.blogger { background: url("images/social/blogger.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.slashdot { background: url("images/social/slashdot.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.technorati { background: url("images/social/technorati.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.googleplus { background: url("images/social/googleplus.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.apple { background: url("images/social/apple.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.myspace { background: url("images/social/myspace.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.sharethis { background: url("images/social/sharethis.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.yelp { background: url("images/social/yelp.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.delicious { background: url("images/social/delicious.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.lastfm { background: url("images/social/lastfm.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.youtube { background: url("images/social/youtube.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.skype { background: url("images/social/skype.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.tumblr { background: url("images/social/tumblr.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.aim { background: url("images/social/aim.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a.google { background: url("images/social/google.png") left top no-repeat; } .icons a:hover { background-position: left -34px; }
Go to Sidebar Widget add below code.
<div class="icons"> <a class="twitter" href="http://twitter.com/Crunchify" target="_blank"></a> <a class="facebook" href="http://facebook.com/Crunchify" target="_blank"></a> <a class="googleplus" href="https://plus.google.com/+CrunchifyDotCom" target="_blank"></a> <a class="pinterest" href="https://www.pinterest.com/Crunchify/crunchify-articles" target="_blank"></a> <a class="rss" href="https://crunchify.com/feed/" target="_blank"></a> <a class="email" href="https://crunchify.com/newsletter/" target="_blank"></a> </div>
And you are all set. Make sure you update your Social media links.