Once in a while it’s good idea to clean WordPress database.
I would recommend using just 1 plugin which can help you clean complete database with lots of nice functionalities.
WP Sweep is a management tool for for check, repair, fix and optimize your WordPress blog.
The Ajax interface allow to manage all status in one only page! As time goes by your WordPress database tends to get filled with redundant data which makes the database larger and can potentially slow down your site.
It optimizes
your database tables and helps perform below tasks:
- Remove unnecessary and expired transient objects from table.
- Extends HTML Editor: fontname, size, color, extra tags
- Remove Frontend admin bar
- Database Tables optimization
- Check/Remove for unused UserMeta
- Check/Remove for Post Revision and Trash
- Check/Remove Auto Draft Posts
- Check/Remove Edit Post Lock
- Check/Remove for unused Post Meta
- Check/Remove for unused Tags
- Check/Remove/Relink for Posts without Authors
- Check/Remove/Relink for Pages without Authors
- Check/Remove for Attachments without Post/Page
- Check/Remove for unused Categories
- Check/Remove for unlink Categories (terms)
- Check/Remove for unlink Categories Taxonomy
- Check/Remove for unapproved and Trash comments
- Check/Remove for spam comments
- Find & Replace on Posts Content
- Find & Replace on Comments Content
I highly recommend this plugin. Let me know how do you like it?