We are very happy to announce Crunchy Booster Plugin. We have been working very hard to release this Premium release since last month.
If you already know about the word SEO then you probably know about such webmasters tools like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. These tools help us to rank well in search engines just by getting a copy of our blog sitemap there in webmaster central.
Doing this, the robots of these biggest search engines sit in our blog database and whenever a new is published there in our blogs these robots knock the search engines about the new posts and get our posts indexed.
This is very simple plugin with better navigation and usability. It adds your requested meta tags into header and java script code to footer of your blog. This plugin allows you to easily integrate them with your blog. It has option to add Google, Bing, Alexa, Placed Analytics, Blog Catalog, Yahoo's
Webmaster and Analytics code (meat tags
). Single click sitemap submission
to Google
and Bing
In addition to that it has option to add tracking code for Clicky, Quantcast, Compete.com, SiteMeter.com analytics!! Site-Verification-Option, Google XML sitemap submission. There are more to come in next releases.
- Brand new dedicated plugin menu
- No Advertisement
- Facebook page insights, admin insights, app insights options
- Google Authorship Options
- Header / Footer Section
- Misc Options – Add Global Site Favicon Option
- There are lot more to come.. this is just an initial release of Premium Version
- Just one time purchase and life time upgrade option. Upgrade to Premium.
- Lot more coming… Feel out this form with your new feature wish.
Crunchy Booster is the Simplest WordPress Optimizer & Customizer Plugin!
It provides simplest, light weight, most powerful All-in-One 50+ Optimization
, Customization, Webmaster, Database, Configuration, WordPress fine-tuning options in single plugin.
This is just a beginning. Throw us your idea on what you want in next version of All in One Webmaster Premium?